- serviette Midnight Hour
- laminating machine
- hole punch
- raffia or ribbon
- votive candle or tea light
- Cut out two quarters of the serviette
- Peel off the two back layers and laminate only the top layer
- Cut out the laminated quarters, leaving an extra 3cms of
laminate on left and right side, and about 1cm at top and
bottom. You now have two laminated sheets of about
16 x 22cms.
- Punch 4 holes evenly spaced vertically along the 3cm
laminate edges of one sheet
- Place this sheet back to back on top of the second sheet, mark
the holes, take the first sheet off and now punch the holes on
the second sheet
- Starting on one side, overlap the 3cm edges and thread
through raffia or ribbon, tying a bow at the top or bottom
- Repeat on the other side
- You can now place a candle in the middle
I purchased a GBC Creative Laminator A4 at
Australia Post for around $60.00 . It is a little investment but has come in handy for many
school and crafty projects ever since!